Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blading Record!!

We are going for the longest non-stop blading time record.. In B & N Guiness Paper of Records.. Well not that we planned to do it. Itz just that we accidentally did it! We bladed all the way to one end of ECP which is at Fort road on the ECP walkway. From there we blade, and we blade, and we continue blading, and since our small little wheels have not given up on us yet, we still continue to blade and goodness gracious, we saw the most wonderful sign.. It says Changi Beach Park!! Can you imagine how far we bladed.. Itz incredible and it's definitely going into the B & N Guiness Paper of Records!

Along the way we discovered the most natural views of man-made sceneries in Singapore. Ironically, it's so natural that we felt relaxing and didn't notice that our dear feet are aching badly.. And so we bladed all the way to Changi Village, talking to some people along the way and doing stupid things.

For more details of our journey, please visit Bryan's blog http://www.torobento.blogspot.com/

Our next aim: all the way to Changi Airport.

(Ps: we were actually planning to bring our luggage along while we blade)

Till than!! Adios!

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