Friday, May 29, 2009
Dance Dance Dance, Subaru
We went to cineleisure to get some some drinks and met up with his friend. Now comes the best part.. Mr Bryan blin-folded me and said he has a surprise for me.. He stuck his ipod ear-piece in my ear blasting with good music and started walking.. the only thing i noe is.. i went the the elevator, walked on carpets, walked on ceramic, took some stairs and lastly sat on a very comfortble plushy chair.. He took me to the cinema and we watched Dance, Subaru!! OMFG!! I was very touched both by him and the movie.. It was really sweet and surprising.. thx Bryan!!
Dance, Subaru.. What can I say.. An excellent movie that touched me and got me at the right spots at the right time. Not only the dances are excellent but the lesson that was taught and can be brought home with you was phenomenal.. The one line that really got me.. 'If you can prolonged your fear and danced through it, than you're a true dancer.. It a dance between life and death' Just amazing how deep these words are.. It really got stucked in my brain and it's gonna be my inspiration in wadever dance I do.. Especially To all aspiring dancers out there, this movie is a must-watch.. I believe it will inspire you like how it inspired me..
Dance, Noorin...
Tiring but FUN Tuesday

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
All at once!!

Friday, May 22, 2009
VOR Loves..

Itz not very obvious but itz super long and tis is wad became of James wen he only drank 1/3 of the mug..
An we were thinking tt's there;s no kick in just sucking lemon barley.. Therefore we added Kiwi flavoured vodka in it.. and Hana 'accidentally' poured alot!! Haha.. well, he was a teeny weeny bit tipsy after that.. And we made a deal.. he can shorten the straws if he want, but it comes with a price.. he took out 4 straws.. so, he had to drink 2 shots of vodka straight up and after that do 30 (originally 60) push-ups with me sitting on him.. lol!! he succeeded!! Hahahaha!!
Simply love these guys..
Series of Lameness- Chapter 9, Web Freaks!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
'True friendship can never be measured by a mere test'
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Heely day!!!

2nd half of the day is all about Birthdays.. (by now, my phone died!) Met jiayin at bugis 1st (arghh... out of nowhere, that thing came! it was very very very uncomfortable).. Shop Shop Shop than went to Vivo to meet up the rest.. The evening simply got better.. We laughed so hard that i got a migraine!! haha!! well, no one can escape my clutches of evil during their birthday, so Franz n Weiting got their turn at it. I realised that today i'm not very 'powerful' coz my feet HURTS SO MUCH!! (i've been wearing thin 3 inch heels the entire day!!) but still, they got sabo-ed, humiliated and reputation simply dropped down the drain!!
One thing tt weiting need to do was to circle the 'hang-man' 20 times. reverse, forward, backward.. haha, and she received a fake present!! For Franz, since it's his 21st, need to do smth abit more humiliating. We blind folded him (which took him 10 min to agree to it), using my scarf and he had to find shops which clues we gv to ting and she hv to describe e shop to franz. One of e shop was 'New urban Male'. They had to go in, tell em that itz their bday and ask e staff to sing em a bday song. They were very very supportive.. so much so tt the entire NUM staff sang for em.. lol!! N we continued after tt.. Dinner was simple but HILARIOUS at Banquet.. lol.. we were ald sitting at e middle of banquet and we laughed so hard and so loud tt ppl just keep looking,, haha.. Definitely had a good time!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Franz and Wei Ting!!!
I finally manage to get mine and bryan's vcd for the VT performance.. Itz very very personalized.. Really love it!! Thx Yuan Cheng!!
Simply love today.. Time to sleeeep!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Series of lameness- Chapter 8, Hold something!
Bryan: What u doing now?
Noorin: I at Giant with mom.. I’m actually quite brain dead now u know.. haha
B: Ha! I also at Fairprice with mom.. Seems like today is another mum’s day!
N: Haha! Ya! Today we become good boy n good gal!
B: Ya! We become good boy and good girl together!
N: Haha! Yay! *hold hand and jump ard while holding lollipop!*
B: Huh? Why lollipop? Lol… I wan hold chicken… Hmmmz…
N: lollipop more childish! U hold chicken ar.. Ok lo! I hold duck!
B: I hold elephant… (not again = =”)
N: Fine! I hold giraffe.. (I kinda saw tis comin.. Haha!) –noorin
B: I hold dog! (pls stop!! Huh? Why u change number?)
N: I hold lion (ok stop!! Haha! Coz my phone no more space in e inbox!)
B: Ok! I hold fish (Ha ha ha ha! STOP!!)
N: Ok! I hold tortoise! (stop ald la! Haha.. I wan to blog ald)
B: Ok, I hold bat! (what the hell! Anyw, whose number is this?)
N: Ok! I hold shark! (oi! Lol! Mom’s no.)
B: Ok, I hold butterfly! (oi! Stop!)
N: Ok! I hold Bryan! (haha! Stop ald hor! I wan to blog!)
B: Ok! I hold noorin (stop can!! Irritating!! Haha haha)
Ta-Da!! Itz always good wen our own names appear in the conversation.. coz tt means itz gonna end.. haha!!
Out with Mom!
They claim that they sell live eels, but if u look closer,

one of em looks dead.. No wait, all of em looks dead!
Particularly the one with its head sticking out looks very dead..
Series of Lameness- Chapter 7, Lame Lamb Lamp
B: (since norin so slow and you yourself created 4th also dept “lame dept” let’s start the dept) Noorin super lame! Lame until the lamb eat the lamp. The lamp flash the lamb when the lame come out from the lamb (^^ there is still 5th dept insane dept… Haha)
N: Bryan wan to eat e lamb but e lamb say bryan too lame so e lamb dun wan to be eaten by lame bryan coz l8r e lamb will become lame meat inside bryan’s lame stomach! (omg! Haha! Cmi!)
B: Noorin is more lame then bryan! Even the lamb don wan bryan to eat… the lamb also don wan noorin to eat! The noorin is also lame enough! Due to the lamest that noorin had… The lamp wan noorin to eat him! So noorin being lame and eat the lamp! Beside the lamp, there is a lamb… Bryan although lame too… But bryan at leat eat lamb! (omg! I nid rest!)
N: Can stop awhile! Phone no memory le.. Need to transfer to comp first! Lol!
B: Ha ha ha ha! K la! Stop stop! I-m like going to die soon! Haha!
B: Too many lame , lamb, lamp…. Nomal, abnormal… Can can can… Godness sake!
N: Very tiring for e brain can! (pls dun start again!)
B: Ha ha! Ok tired tired! (no start no start! Also damn tired le!)
Breathe in~~ Fart out~~ You have just completed the one of our rare lame 'Four-logy' saga.. Thankfully my phone has no inbox memory, otherwise, we could have went on and on and and on and on and on and... u get the drift..
(Ps: Chapter 4 to chapter 7 all happen within 3 hours.. Take tt! Hak!!)
Series of Lameness- Chapter 6, Normal Abnormal?!
B: What what normal dept? Abnormal dept? Normal and abnormal must separate de meh? Normal then normal huh? Abnormal then abnormal huh? (here comes the 3rd department…)
N: Can not! I dance can can better than I play guitar can! Can u wait first n can lemme learn first can! U dance can can while I learn guitar can! Can u agree with me can? Can we come to an agreement can. N lemme learn first can! (rolling out of e window laughing)
B: Oh wow… I just started a new dept lei ^^”! So our message is like a building huh! This normal dept is storey one with information counter… 2nd storey is can can dept… 3rd storey is normal, abnormal storey…
N: Of coz normal n abnormal dept must be separated! Coz normal n abnormal is diff! How can normal n abnormal be e same wen e spelling is ald diff! Normal is spelt as normal n abnormal is spelt as abnormal! Tt’s y normal n abnormal is diff! (I’m goin insane!)
B: Can can dance and guitar is no link can? Why must u put can can dance with guitar? Guitar is play can? Can can dance is dance can? What’s with that agreement? I disagree can? Only when u dance can can I play guitar, I play guitar u dance can can I just agree can! Can? Can u promise me? Or we play guitar together with your friend can? Then can we all dance can can together? (laugh like crazy!!! Imagine we play guitar! Suddenly three person stand up and dance can can)
B: Normal and abnormal spelling is different! Doesn’t means u must separate them right? Like normal ppl must separate with abnormal ppl meh? Like that normal me and abnormal u where can together? Like two normal and abnormal people together will get everyone around this two normal abnormal ppl go abnormal lo! Cos normal plus abnormal it abnormal… Abnormal plus normal is still abnormal! (Aiyo, ha ha ha ha! Super fun and funny can!)
B: Eh! Where is my 3rd dept? The normal abnormal! Reply!
N: Can u pls gv my brain a rest can! All my brain cells dancing can can inside while e nerves play can can song on the guitar can! Can can dance n play guitar can link can! Both is performing arts can! Can we do tis instead? Can I dun agree on ur agreement can? (haha! Than suddenly got spotlight n we all wear can can skirt and dance)
N: Haha! I’m still packing my office stuffs at e 3rd dept… 4th floor lame dept.. 5th floor insane dept..
B: Can let your brain rest? Can! How can your brain rest while all your brain cell is dancing can can? My brain cell so strong! Somemore can dance can can while open all the red bean can and longan can! So can u? do you think u can dance?My brain cell so strong can? I wan learn guitar can! (ha ha ha ha, the brain cell dancing can can dance is super classic.
B: Noorin reply super slow!
N: Of coz normal n abnormal ppl cannot mix! Coz e abnormal ppl will taint e normal ppl than l8r e normal ppl will become abnormal than everyone in tis world will become abnormal than nth normal will come out frm tis ald abnormal world than l8r even e fish will become abnormal (omg! I got no more brain juice! Haha!)
B: Nvm la! If the normal ppl normal enough will remain normal! Won become abnormal! Abnormal ppl is abnormal enough will remain abnormal! Won become normal! Like fish! A normal fish will say normal won’t go abnormal… Abnormal fish will stay abnormal won go normal! So don worry who normal who abnormal! No matter u normal I abnormal? I normal u abnormal? I abnormal I normal! U normal u abnormal! (haha, I start talking crap le…)
Readers.. you're almost there!! Hang on to something!!
Series of Lameness- Chapter 5, Can can?!
.... and so the story continues. This is where another new chapter begins with the old one still tagging behind. Try not to get confused aitez!
B: Ah! I want learn also! Zzzz…
N: Hello! U can play ald can!
B: Only simple chord can! (don tell me, we’re gona start new chapter again)
N: At least can play can! (lol! So fast start again!)
N: Watch out! Another chapter is goin to start again! In e other msg department..
B: What can at least play can! Only chord can! Can’t help must can! (argh… @*+% why is this always happen to us)
B: What the hell! I-m like suddenly burst out laughing when I see the but the other message “department”! I can imagine that can!
N: Eh! At least u can play than got sound can! U can strum I can not strum can! So I must learn 1st can! (haha! Omg! Haha! Haha! Cannot make it!)
B: Can can can! My way of strumming is wrong one can! I can also tag along and learn can! With chords cannot survive long can! Can play chords then wan? Can play chords doesn’t means I can play well can? Also must learn basic can? Can play basic just can play well can? (rolling on the floor laughing…)
N: Lol! Haha! Tis is e normal msg dept.. E other one is e abnormal msg dept… Haha!
B: Walao! Then will be super bz lo!
N: Letx close tis dept.. Haha!
Series of Lameness- Chapter 4, Recovering Lameness
B: Eh, u still remember the chapter u say I say? Then aunty say… Everyone say one…
N: Actually tt one I dun rem ya noe.. Wen did tt chapter happen? Haha!
B: Erm… I remember something that we suppose to go some where then u can’t make it… then
we start saying who say who! The classic part is “hak! I used that name before! Give me two back!” then your reply “who say and who say, hur take this” ha ha ha ha…
N: Oh oh oh! Ya Ya! Haha! E one tt took e whole day to finish rite? Lol! Tt one super funny can! Itz smth like.. “Yea. Auntie say de” Izzit?
B: Yea… Something like that! But how we started this is the problem… I remember something that u can’t make it… then you started yea, I say de… I reply yea, u say de… Then we finish the conversation around night time when we last use noorin say and bryan say and u initiate the stop! Hmmmz… U sure the last word is de? Sound a bit weird lei… I remember yup/yea, “whoever” say is correct but the “de” like hmmmz…
N: Haha! Super funny.. Izzit smth like :yea, table say ald..” hmm.. The “de” sounds abit better.. Do u think so? Or izzit ‘le?
B: I know just many many thing say… I think don have the last word? Is’t? So just yea, table say…
N: Wait! Izzit like.. Yea, whoever say one..
B: Yea! Is the “one”! U started I say one… then I reply u say one… Then u reply something else le! Somemore the… Yup, the breast say one… Cos there’s breast standing in front of me! Remember?
B: Oh yea…I still remember I limit u can’t use the “the word” before the whoever… So is like… Yea, Rachel say.. Then u reply a yea, the what say… Then I still reply say eh cannot! I use all three word… Like yea, whoever say… But yours got the who/what say after two message! So I ask u give me back three include this two replacement… And that’s where we started “hur, take this”… Coz you replied dori say, dunno what say, and what say… Right?
N: Wahahaha! Super funny.. N u noe wadz another funny thing? I’m going punggol tml, lol! I can help u check got punggol park anot..
(observe how we talk about 2 different topics at the same time)
B: Lol! Serious? U go punggol for what?
B: Oh I remember le! Tuesday… We suppose to go somewhere… But u can’t go! Then u promise me we will go again dono when… The I replied “you say one a! Then u replied “yea, I say’… The I started… Yea, whoever say! Haha… That’s why all are only three word “yea, xxx say”… Don have the de or le or one behind… Now wonder it feel so weird…
N: Oh yea! Ok.. Today I stay home.. Write all tis crap stuffs.. Haha! I goin my frenz house, he’s teaching me guitar.. Heh!
N: Eh.. Oh yah hor.. Haha! Ok ok, I got it’. I’m laughing ald, even b4 I start writing.. Lol!
B: Lol! Pls! Yest I already laugh the whole night can! Haha haha haha….
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Series of Lameness- Chapter 3, Wolverine
(observe how we go off topic and stayed off topic)
Bryan: Wah! So nice the show!
Noorin: Haha! I forgot wad show did ya'll watch?
B: Wolverine! Super nice show!
N: Oh! E MEOW show... Lol! He's one hot cat!
B: Huh? Cat? Why hot cat? Lol!
N: Wolverine is actually the human form of a cat... N e actor playing it is hot! So he's e hot cat! Haha!
B: Cheh! not really very hot can! So many hair...
N: Haha! Very man wad.. Lol! but e actor without lotsa hair is super sexy :)
B: Ya! Without hair will be super sexy! Super!
N: Lol! *drooling! Oops! Table wet le..
B: Oops... House wet le
N: Uhoh! Void deck wet le.. (here we go again..)
B: Oops, flat wet le... (ha ha ha ha, super funny can!)
N: Oh no! Garden wet le.. (lol, y does tis always happens to us..)
B: Oops, jurong wet le... (i don't know! Ha ha ha ha... Godness! I-m like laughing to the phone in the bus can!)
N:Oh my! Jurong point wet le.. (wahahaha! Luckily meeting finish ald.. I'm so gonna blog tis..)
And so our wetness ends.. I think we ended this conversation becoz Bryan doesnt want to shake the entire bus by his laughter.. lol.. hope u readers are not wet!!
Series of Lameness- Chapter 2, Only way
Bryan: No my way :)
Noorin: Same here! u typed no my way so i was like did u msg the correct person?
B: Ha ha ha ! Only way?
N: haha, yup.. that's the only way..
B: Yea, on the way to only way :-)
N: (i forgot wad i replied)
B: Yup, the only way to only way is by the one and only mrt on the only mrt track =)
N: Yup, the only way to only way is by the one and only mrt on the only mrt track in spore which only runs on it by only using electricity which is paid only by itz citizens who only stay in singapore..
B: Yup, the only way to only way is by the one and only mrt on the only mrt track in spore which only runs on it by only using electricity which is paid only by itz citizens who only stay in singapore include those non-citizen who only willing to pay the only little amount to take the only mrt on the only mrt track in singapore which only runs on it by only using electricity
N: Yup, the only way to only way is by the one and only mrt on the only mrt track in spore which only runs on it by only using electricity which is paid only by itz citizens who only stay in singapore include those non-citizen who only willing to pay the only little amount to take the only mrt on the only mrt track in singapore which only runs on it by only using electricity which is controlled only by me who's only goin to end e only lame story
B: Yup, the only way to only way is by the one and only mrt on the only mrt track in spore which only runs on it by only using electricity which is paid only by itz citizens who only stay in singapore include those non-citizen who only willing to pay the only little amount to take the only mrt on the only mrt track in singapore which only runs on it by only using electricity which is controlled only by me who's only goin to end e only lame story when the only bryan insisted only will stop when the only noorin reach the only city mrt station which located below the only raffles city not the only raffles city at the only mrt station only right after the only city hall mrt stationwhich only below the raffles city=)
Haha!! I was smiling to my phone and I bet alot of people thinks that i'm crazy.. wahahaha!
Series of Lameness- Chapter 1, -ing
Embrace yourself dear readers..
Noorin so boring
noorin drink chlorine
noorin love bowling
Bowling hit bin bing
Bin bing angrying
Noorin stop laughing
Bin bing box noorin
Noorin slap bin bing
Meow meow doh ding ding
they both cat fighting
Boom pak tek cling cling
They both keep throwing
Bin Bing Throw pantie
Noorin throw tanggy
Bin bing fight noorin
Noorin fight bin bing
Stupid noorin stupid bin
Here comes a jia yin
Jia yin was crying
Jia yin slap noorin
Noorin slap jia yin
Bin bin slap jia yin
Jia yin slap noorinNoorin slap bin bin
Bin bin slap noorin
Jia yin slap bin bin
Bin bin slap jia yin
Jia yin kiss noorin
Noorin slap bin bin
Bin bin kiss jia yin
Norin slap jia yin
Jia yin kiss noorin
Noorin kiss bin bing
Bin bin slap jia yin
Bin bin slap bin bin
Jia yin slap bin bin
Noorin slap bin bin
Noorin kiss jia yin
Jia yin kiss jia yin
#@!?$*.... Bryan went crazy
Seeing three girls slapping
and kissing
Have u gone insane? I nearly did!! Well of course!!! I'm already very blur esp wen i just woke up.. now with this kind of message.. i got even BLURER!! i didn't know wad to do, so i just went back to sleep..
Sleep well readers!
Series of Lameness- Introduction
So, like in every book the writer always dedicates his/her book to someone or some people. So i dedicate this series of Lame Stories to all pro and amateurs lamers alike.
Blog Noob..
Dumb Ass!! lol
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Blading Record!!
Along the way we discovered the most natural views of man-made sceneries in Singapore. Ironically, it's so natural that we felt relaxing and didn't notice that our dear feet are aching badly.. And so we bladed all the way to Changi Village, talking to some people along the way and doing stupid things.
For more details of our journey, please visit Bryan's blog http://www.torobento.blogspot.com/
Our next aim: all the way to Changi Airport.
(Ps: we were actually planning to bring our luggage along while we blade)
Till than!! Adios!