Sunday, April 8, 2007

Too Free...

SAMBA... ARRRRRRRRRRRIIIIBA!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Can ya'll feel the heat?!?!

OMG.... It's now officially proven that listening to samba music during the night does NOT make you relax and wiil DEFINITELY NOT put you to sleep...

Luckily i change into my PJs ald... If not... My living room would have turned into a samba club with only one customer... ME!!!!

My hearts aching man... the music is making mi heart dance coz i physically refuse to dance as i will not stop once i start... i want to SHAKE!!!!! All thx to BArney (aka mock gua) who's sending me these few horribly addictive music... But thx a million man!!! Now i can start practising my shakes...

That's it!!!!


Anyways, juz came back from town... was a lil too free after dance so i tot of following laoshi and weiting and jiayin to bugis and kpo ard. Than we discovered tt Franz finished his prac too... soooo.... we all decided to go walk ard in bugis...

This is where i shall bring in my SHOE STORY....

First - The strap on mi right shoe snapped, juz as i was about to reached dance studio.
Second - After dance... I 'repaired' it by putting masking tapes...
Third - On the way to clementi, in the bus, jus as i was about to alight, the strap on mi left shoe broke... =_=
Fourth - Had to walked bare foot all the way to NTUC to get cheap slippers... Mind you, it was raining, i had to walk pass two coffeeshops...
Fifth - Bought a $6 shoe...

This is why we had to seperate frm laoshi and the rest... Juz to get mi slippers... And after tt, some gum was stucked on my new shoes... lol

So, on the train, its juz down to 3 bak guahs... pumping, loooong and scandaless... We tot of still goin to bugis than someone suggested to go to city hall as there are more stuffs t0 do there... and so we did... we went to Harvey's to find laughing and mock gua and kpo ard... we only found mokgua while laughing bakgua, i think laugh her way to another branch... After which we walked ard Raffles City and once again... ate like there's no tml. We ate:

A twin BK meal
Fried Mars
Turkish Delights

Sinful pleasures of life... INtroduced by franz...

After all these eating frenzy, we shopped, slacked ard... Than we met Barney after his work... After the sinful pleasures, we decided to repent and be solemn by going to the War Memorial... Were supposed to be quiet, but as usual, even tho itz down to 4 bakguahs, we still laugh pretty loudly. It was nice to juz sit there and chill and talk... Itz not tt we are sadist enuf to be slacking at a memorial, but the surrounding is juz right.

*got a scolding frm mommy.. :( hee....

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